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Why is black annealed wire sometimes same prices with GI Wire


The price is the same due to the difference in how the product is made.  


Explanations below and use the table to help you understand(Price calculation)

Both types need to be drawn inevitably. 


Then Black annealed wire needs to be annealed in the oven for three days(500),  then taken to the cutting bay to be further processed into the desired length(300).  That’s two steps, and two steps of labour and time. 


Galvanised wire is annealed only furnace which is also part of the the production line, done quicky( go in and go out)(500),   further galvanised & cut at the end too (300).The two steps are done simultaneously and integrated. Extra steps are made redundant and thus result saving. 


Some photos that may help to make sense. Galvanising line. 



Another point of the calculation is that a significant proportion of the costs come from packaging, tying, carton, pallets, which all costs the same. Galvanizing cost is a relatively small to total price. 


A caution for customers is that no matter who you end up working with,  all the steps listed here are real and have to be taken with money costs.  There is a risk of not receiving delivery on time since traders can only deliver the product when the variable of Wire rod price goes down. They delay the delivery until this happens.  It is money-losing if someone presents a price way below cost,  that could be too good to be true. 


Wire RodDrawing/Annealing  CuttingFreightPackaing Tying 500gCartonPALLETPACKAGINRISK
